Category description: From the original Pong game which ignited the video game craze, to it's many later variations (mostly stemming from the later Breakout game) it's amazing how much variety games that center around hitting a ball with a paddle can have!
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3D Pulsoid

Views: 10,8481998Full versionBall & Paddle Fifth Dimension Company
3D Pulsoid is not actually a 3D game, despite the name. It uses essentially the same assets and engine as Pulsoid but … VIEW

3D World

Views: 9,4461993SharewareBall & Paddle Robert Burke
3D World, using the author's proprietary "Tunnel Vision System", is a collection of three games, each having a "3D" … VIEW


A fast moving Arkanoid clone. It features VGA graphics (it's quite colorful) and PC speaker sound effects (don't worry, … VIEW


Views: 3,3981989SharewareBall & Paddle Scott DeMers
ARK... is not a great Arkanoid clone, but it was made in 1989 so we'll cut the author some slack because it does have … VIEW


Views: 9,4722001FreewareBall & Paddle Richard Eric M. Lope
Arqanoid is a self-proclaimed "Arkanoid(tm) clone" which provides basic ball-and-paddle bouncing action. Move your … VIEW


Views: 16,5511989FreewareBall & Paddle Banana Development Inc
A fairly basic Arkanoid clone. One difference is that the playing field is bigger than one screen, so the screen scrolls … VIEW


Views: 6,7541995FreewareBall & Paddle Masayoshi Ueda
Bap (named as such because it's a Ball And Paddle game) is a basic breakout clone. You move your paddle (with keyboard … VIEW

Bat 'n Ball

Views: 12,9071994SharewareBall & Paddle Button Soft
This is a clone of the Atari arcade / console game Warlords. It's like Breakout, with a big twist: Here you must guard … VIEW

Bipbop 2

Views: 12,6451993SharewareBall & Paddle S&M Software
BipBop 2 is a ball & paddle game. It's a bit different though, kind of hard to describe. The paddle is quick thick, and … VIEW

Bipbop III

Views: 13,9041993FreewareBall & Paddle S&M Software
Bipbop III is the final game in the Bipbop trilogy. It was lost to the world until Ross Scott from Ross' Game Dungeon … VIEW

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