2006 or older, has square graphics that is a 2d side viewer in which you made a playable map

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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2006 or older, has square graphics that is a 2d side viewer in which you made a playable map


All i remember from the graphics is that they are blocky like minecraft and even has a cobblestone block that looks almost identical to the design of the block from minecraft. Anyway you could make this map that blank from the beginning and could choose different blocks and click to place them which included, cobblestone, i think water and lava, moving platforms that you could ride to get through the map and other blocks. When you were done building this map you could play it and try to beat it. I do not remember how you beat it or what the goal was but i remember that it had pre-built maps that you could play. There are no weapons. I don't think you could even hold items you just made a little maze like map and tried not to die while getting to the end. I want to say the character you played was yellow but i could easily be wrong. You could jump and i think even crouch under the obstacles. IIRC it had a lot of grey and blue textures most of which where either basic background blocks you walked on or electrical blocks you were intended to miss along with missing falling into lava and using the water to swim to another area of the map. In all honesty is really seemed to be 2d sideview minecraft graphics. It looked like minecraft meaning the textures, (think of minecraft alpha graphics) but it doesn't play like minecraft such as how terarria does. It also only had up down left right NO forward OR backwards and IIRC no depth at all as it was completely flat.
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