Blue Slim or Blue Slug puzzle game like lemmings

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Blue Slim or Blue Slug puzzle game like lemmings

Post by Smyrdin »

Hello Everyone,

Basically, I'm looking for the name of one game since many years ago and I never found it again. Yesterday I lost like 4 hours and I did not find it yet another time. So I decided it's time to give up and ask for help, because that game seems like impossible to find.

I'm not sure what windows was working when I played that game, I played maybe around 20 years ago, but not sure if it was MSDOS; 95, 98, 2000, whatever.
I remember it was one puzzle-type game, I think the protagonist was one girl, and the bad guys (or maybe the one you were trying to save) were some kind of blue slugs, or slims, or something weird like aliens or blue water gouts.
You had to set up some stuff to allow those blue animals to go to one point to another, or to kill them, I'm not sure what was the goal to be honnest.
I do remember we had some laser guns, and other type of guns, and with those, the protagonist was "killing" those blue slugs.
There was some kind of countdown, with the number of the remaining sluts. (you could let them go 1 per 1, or all at the same time, something like that)
During many years I thought it was one variant of lemmings, because the mode of playing was similar (you had to resuce/save some number of slugs) however, I did played lots of lemmings and never found this exact version I'm talking about.
I'm pretty sure you had to rescue those slugs, but I can't confirm it, because I remember the protagonist could "shot" them so I don't know why you would like to shoot them if you were trying to save them, anyway.

I think to remember this happened in one kind of laboratory, at least I remember there were lasers and stuff.

Please, help me with that, because I had been trying to find that game since many years now and I never find any clue.
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Blue Slim or Blue Slug puzzle game like lemmings

Post by Rwolf »

Maybe something in this 'lemmings-variants' group fits?
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Blue Slim or Blue Slug puzzle game like lemmings

Post by Smyrdin »

Thank you for your answer, but I did not find it there.

I've checked lots of sites with lemmings-type games but I did not find my one (I guess it was not lemmings-type after all).

But anyway, I've checked the site you sended me, and I did not find my game. :cry:
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Blue Slim or Blue Slug puzzle game like lemmings

Post by Smyrdin »

I'm still looking for this game.
I wasted some hours yesterday trying to find it.
So, I would like to restart this post in case someone see it and can help me!
Thank you!
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