Views: 12,9291992Full versionPuzzle
Wizard Systems Software
Ariva is a game that is rather difficult to describe. The object is to maneuver to the exit, avoiding the various … VIEW
Crusher Castle 2
Views: 14,0721995SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Crusher Castle is sort of like an epic puzzle game. Each screen is randomly generated, and made up of blocks (which can … VIEW
The Crusher
Views: 15,6201991SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Crusher is the prequel to the later and improved sequel Crusher's Castle 2. (Not sure why the name change occurred.) … VIEW
Dungeons of Death
Views: 18,8481994SharewareRole Playing (RPG)
Alex Kapteyn Jr
Dungeons of Death is a first-person perspective role playing game, similar to classics like Dungeon Hack or Eye of the … VIEW
Fall-Zone II
Views: 8,8011991SharewarePuzzle
PC Solutions
Fall-Zone II (sometimes just Fall-Zone in the executable) is a simple game where the object is to collect hearts on the … VIEW
The Haunted House
Views: 16,0811988SharewareAdventure
Computer Match
Haunted House is an obscure text-mode game with an interesting premise. The object is to rescue Amber from a haunted … VIEW
Views: 11,5351991SharewareAdventure
Chris Busch
Majik is an interesting ASCII-based text RPG game which is not a Roguelike. The levels are randomly generated, but the … VIEW
Maze Mission Adventure Game
Views: 13,4271991SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Also known as "Mission Adventure Maze Game" (there are different names given in the game itself and its documentation). … VIEW
Views: 11,0631993SharewarePuzzle
John Shramko
MazeMan is a simple maze game with two twists that make it stand out. There are basically two phases to the game: First … VIEW
Mice Maze
Views: 12,5001995SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Mice Maze is plays very similarly to the Crusher and Crusher's Castle 2 games, also by Soleau Software. So if you've … VIEW