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How to get more RAM

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:18 am
by Larry Laffer
Remember those 3600+$? well my share was just 400$ to buy some games and pay my internet bill. HMPH! My mom on the other hand HAD to buy a Laptop(Somewhere over 3.5 GHz i think) but i can't play on it. Noooo! that's for her job... :Angry:
The rest of the money went down the drain(I'd say) to buy a 50 days of travelin' round' our "Beeeautifulllly Country" (I know what i wrote) so right now I finaly found an area where the "All Country Internet Coverage" :cry: is realy covered PSHAW! so I ask of you (Finaly):

Is there ANY way to increasy the RAM and Video memory by using Hard Disk memory(you know make it to act like it's acualy RAM or Video)???

Please guys if you could answer today(as in the next 6 hours) before we hit the road again and the "All Country Internet Coverage" runs out of cover again.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:05 pm
by Wally
probably. Im guessing its not a mac.

What a waste, why did she get a 3.5ghtz machine for? No real point in that!

Re: How to get more RAM

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:06 am
by Roger
Larry Laffer wrote: Is there ANY way to increasy the RAM and Video memory by using Hard Disk memory(you know make it to act like it's acualy RAM or Video)???
It's called "disk swapping". Even Windows 3.1 could do it. In pure DOS, I think DOS4GW (the DOS extender) was the tool to use. I remember trying to run Heroes of Might and Magic I on my 386DX@25Mhz with only 4 MB of RAM. What a drag!

For switches to use, try this documentation: ... DOS4GW.DOC

p.s. You might have specified your hardware and OS in another post, but not here. So I assume you have an old machine with pure DOS running.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:30 am
by Larry Laffer no... PIII 550 MHz 124Mb RAM Windows XP Service Pack 3
let me see if it works... but how bout Video people???

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:57 am
by franpa
windows already uses your hard disk as memory... this is known as swap file... you however cant do this for video memory. (oprobably way to slow for video memory)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:04 pm
by Roger
There's nothing you can do for video, I'm afraid.
That machine of yours is best suited for running Windows 98, if DOS Games are your thing.

Oh, and XP Service Pack 2 is the latest available. ^_^

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:27 pm
by Wally

Seeing microsoft copied apple and made the virtual memory concept harder to use on windows.

I think there is a way of changing the video card memory in the bios on an PC.

On a mac i think there is a way too not sure

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:34 pm
by franpa
video memory adjustments in the BIOS is usually only for on board (integrated) video and there is an un-official pack of hot fixes which contain several fixes Microsoft has released and will all mostly be included in SP3.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:34 am
by Roger
You can change "AGP Aperture size" in modern BIOS'es, but that is the amount of existing video memory dedicated to textures.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:14 am
by Larry Laffer
I think I have to tell you what actualy happened:
After something some would name :rolleyes: "a MAJOR tantrum" :rolleyes: i finaly got some of the cash remaining so i bought some RAMS and another Video card...
2 pcs of 64Mb Ram
1 pcs of 64Mb Video...
YEEEPEEE! I can play NFSU2 hooray...
only 2 weeks and were coming home to my beloved PC and my beloved games.

Oh! and I would like to thank you for those good advices...
Roger i actualy tried the Disk Swaping. My 486er officialy har 8 more Megs of RAM. I can play LionKing for Windows :laugh: