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To the moderator and the members from neonamd64

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:07 am
by NeonAmd64
Let me let you understand my point

And what I think is that this is my last post B) ....

Talking too much ... heh :blah:

I took a tour all over the internet and looked at the other forums I found it a little bit higher and they are talking too much.. about 1 full A4 page with 14 size font.... they are puting tutorials and try to make somthing to support each other .
but when I came to this forum I found it hopless and no one specially in game creation forum is active. All are lazy memebers and no one was really excited... :cry:

I wonder if they those members are old men and women about 50 and 60 years old or somthing else....
And ofcourse no one will reply to this to give a clear answer but only joking and cretisizing replies that make the motivated man dead. :cry:

People will try to shut my mouth from talking Too much talking. because I don't give love anymore unless you blocked me and that will be another story ....

Shut my mouth if you can [sure you can] you useless stupid foolish members if they don't understand what they are talking about hehe :laugh: and only try serve their own work and bring others down.....

Ofcourse you didn't understand me until this point... yaaa

So if get blocked from this forum without return then I am very very very sorry to whom I Injured... Specially this forum. My only point is to let this forum get higher and motivate the people who are not motivated and grap a lot of motivated people.

But What to Do?????!!! people don't like me and they hate me too much and no body care or give any opinion to solve this problem. Therfore future became hopless...

Modirtors will say : Talking Too much just shut up......hehehe
or they will block me out.

[After that I will say You didn't understand me and ofcourse not]

Good bye then ....

Re: To the moderator and the members from neonamd64

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:10 am
by dosraider
NeonAmd64 wrote: .... People will try to shut my mouth from talking Too much talking .........
No wonder .. :sleep:

NeonAmd64 wrote: ......... people don't like me ..........
Yep, right on spot

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:48 pm
by HappyHarvick29
Dude, maybe its your grammar. I get a headache reading your posts. :cry:

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:49 pm
by NeonAmd64
My statement here is that "I know how to program a game and how to put formulas and link everything together event complex projects"
Dude, maybe its your grammar. I get a headache reading your posts
For sure you right ,,,,, :)

but the problem is that I can't communicate with people and even talk Ok

Because my life was like a nightmare :cry:

Now, I am 23 years old and spent my 15 years alone. :cry:

No friends, no colleges and even brothers. :cry:

To me, it was like a dark side. :rolleyes:

So don't expect from me to write something in an interesting way... but what to do that is my life…

in spite of that,

this is my second apology for what I had done to [all members] :shame:

I will improve my self in any way... but please help me on that :( ... because I don't want to stay like this for the rest of my life... :cry:

Great thanks to you HappyHarvick29.... :)

If you can't do help then I will remain like this until my death...

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:55 pm
by emmzee
Neon, greetings.

We appreciate the fact that you took the time to apologize and explain your previous posts. Posting here like you've done take initiative and effort ... so don't take this as a criticism, but a suggestion as to how we can learn to get along better in these forums. Perhaps it would be beneficial to read some of the posts and threads on the other boards, just to get a feel for the type of conversation that usually goes on here. It's not necessarily what a person says, sometimes its more about how they say it. Please feel free to participate in the other forums here, but probably the best idea is to try to keep posts short and relevant as possible to the conversation. :thumbsup:

PS. The link to "" seems to not be working correctly at the moment ...

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:08 pm
by NeonAmd64
Thank you very much emmzee "Site Admin" .You really gave me a light pointing to the right side.. :)

Great thanks to ya... :)

I will never forget that..... :)

The link to "" seems to not be working correctly at the moment ...
This the link to my site :
