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2D adventure, platforming

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 8:58 am
by Jackal
This game is a:
Pc, 2D platforming game, like old mario or sonic game, a slow-paced game
At the start of the game you can chose between two characters, a mage that shoots magic in a strait line, and warrior. You could only play one character at the time, if you pick the wizard you had to play the wizard through the whole game, only way to switch is to die and start over.
The interface you had two big circles one for your health other for mana
The gameplay is that you explore the world, where you fight monsters, movement is left, right, up and down, jumping from platform to platform. There were like rooms that connect to each other, and every room was different and had different monsters and obstacles. The goal is to find the exit, a big door at the end of level. You have a map, you could open it and see where you have explored. The map of the level is like a maze, and the exit, the door is always different. After you find the exit/big door you enter a new level.
From what I remember in the levels you could find like a Gnome House Hut, when you go inside there was shop where you could buy items and maybe upgrades, I think the first level was a like a magical forest.
I played this PC game, on my old pc (windows 7) that big white monitor, when I was a kid.

2D adventure, platforming

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:17 am
by MrFlibble
Ardentryst maybe?