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PC Planet Exploration Game for Kids - Likely 1996 to 2004

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:28 pm
by nfinny
Hey there! I'm trying to find a game that ran on a Windows PC around the end of the 90s. I'm a 1993 kid and played it around ages 6 to 9, so that would put it around 1999 to 2002 most likely.

Here's every bit of detail I can remember:
- The game was a side scroller, in which the character (an astronaut?) could jump, move left and right.
- The main aim was to visit and explore different planets, and I think they were actually our existing planets like Mars or Pluto, although I could be wrong.

Unfortunately that's all I got! While I think the game was for kids, I don't think it was an educational game necessarily. The focus was definitely around planets rather than spaceship exploration. Would be huge if you could me me on this one as it's driving me crazy. Thank you!

Edit: Commander Keen is slightly similar in terms of game style/size of the character.