Smarter Dos.

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Post by Cmaza »

Oh wow.. I remember starting this thread.. Seven years ago..? Nostalgia moment.. XD

If anyone is still interested in what I finally ended up with by the time I got bored and stopped working on it, let me know and I'd be happy to upload it freely. Honestly though, it's not that impressive, I doubt modern computers would be able to support it given I'd originally written it in a PASCAL compiler which essentially doesn't exist anymore (my current computer won't run it) and I stopped caring about it many years ago.

This is all assuming you're actually referring to the thing that I was writing (SmartDOS) back in 2004.

Otherwise, links to various similar projects in this thread, might (probably) bare better fruits, but I haven't really been following since I stopped my own, so I wouldn't know.
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Post by dosraider »

Ah well, there are already enough MsDos addons/enhancers/shells floating around.
Something as Norton Commander (btw,runs also fine in dosbox), Neomenu, Volkov, StupenDos, ....... and whatever whatnots etcetera etcetera .... too much to list.

So don't feel bad about it.
You certainly learned some at least basic coding skills from your project.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Cmaza »

True, that. :)
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