Transport tycoon-like game 2001-2007 WinXP

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Transport tycoon-like game 2001-2007 WinXP

Post by swagnamite »

I really don't remember much, but I'm sure it wasn't focused on one form of transport, you could build airports for both airplanes and blimps, railroads and truck depots (roads for them too, that's why I'm not sure if player's objective was to build just means of transport or a whole city, I was like 5-6 years old so it's very thick milky). There is a >>possibility<< (if I'm not mixing 2 games I barely remember from that era, which is very possible) that you could choose a century the game was set in (so like 1800s with horses on streets and stuff)
I'm almost sure the game's cover had an airplane, a train and a truck(?) shooting out of the game's title.

Also I'm pretty positive there was a monument of means of transports in front of the "main building" which you could upgrade (or the whole building) multiple times, from a horse to a car, then to an airplane and so on
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