ASCII-based maze game, game play character the letter K

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ASCII-based maze game, game play character the letter K

Post by Peder »

I know it's hard to guess the ASCII game, but I'll try to explain as best I can.

It was early '90s, like '92 or '93 (though very likely was an older game).
I played it on an old 486 through DOS.
I seem to recall rather than the ASCII smiley face, the main character was the letter "K."
There were "bad guys" that would follow you around.
It was a sort of maze game, similar to Beast (character wise) or KROZ.
I'm not sure what colors were involved, but the version I had only used a few colors. Black background.
There were multiple "mazes," as in different levels when you would complete whatever the objective was (probably collecting various things).

Thanks for any help, I've been looking for this thing for years.
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Post by Quadko »

I don't know about the K, but maybe a-maze?

Edit: Hm, I went obscure when neither of us mentioned some of the obvious ones yet! In descending obscurity:

Caves of Thor
ZZT (SuperZZT)

The last two had soooo very many custom levels, of course, could easily have been some DLC for one of them.

And Castle Adventure, just to mention another old text favorite long shot.

And I assume it's not a roguelike, like Rogue, Hack, NetHack, Moira, Omega etc? You mentioned more action games like Kroz than turn based games like Rogue.
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