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Cogmind marketing postmortem article

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:33 pm
by Quadko
Releasing a Commercial ASCII Roguelike, a Post-Mortem
Grid Sage Games
About the Cogmind alpha $ release

--> Article <--

Interesting article covering the preparation, process, and experience that indie game developer Grid Sage Games had prepping and releasing their roguelike Cogmind "alpha" release for money.

(If all alpha sofware was like this, we'd all just buy alpha software!)

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:50 am
by MrFlibble
That's indeed a very interesting article!

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:48 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe
Quadko wrote:Releasing a Commercial ASCII Roguelike, a Post-Mortem
Grid Sage Games
About the Cogmind alpha $ release

--> Article <--

Interesting article covering the preparation, process, and experience that indie game developer Grid Sage Games had prepping and releasing their roguelike Cogmind "alpha" release for money.

(If all alpha sofware was like this, we'd all just buy alpha software!)
@Quadko: Thank you#!! The Holy Bible says it's lonely at the top. Actually the exact words are "What is to gain the whole world and lose your soul!!!!!!!!!!!!" I've been there. Moving from an apartment I was comfortable to a comfortable home is a priviledge. However just the other day my family was away and I was left alone to be alone. It made me sad. I have everything life has to offer along the lines of basic necessities of food and such. Then I prayed and my mother came home.

Another instance is when I was programming and thought it was the best thing. Then I didn't hear a sound where my mother was. I came out and was scared and prayed again. I looked closer and noticed she is still breathing. THANK YOU GOD.

Therefore, you see money is NOT all cracked up to be what it seems. I might say something else if I had it, and I'm glad I don't handle the financial part of my life. I just concentrate on doing what I love to take perfect care of God and my true families and true friends.

Although I personally do not carry a penny on me, I am happy because I have a close group of people that are proud of me.

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!hehe

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:26 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Jesus Christ!hehe

Wow. I was just watching the neighbour's professional commercial people mower the grass and trim the lawn. Now I know why they get paid while I just sit at home :laugh:

Seriously, when they cut you can see all the extras that they put into their work. They really take their business to the extreme?

I guess I will just have to let them cut, trim, and mow my house. There goes the $20 bucks that I could have used to save up for another software :laugh:

I guess I'll just have to write my own freewares from now on. :angel: