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Spoiler: The Bard's Tale I

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:56 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Well, to those who love Dungeons and Dragons type of game, here goes.

The Bard's Tale I is a toughy. It may take you full time work!

I finished it maybe in a month or two or three.

However I was just a kid and had time on my hand.

I just played all day long!.

The end of the game is that the person that was guiding you is your enemy!

You had to fight the sage that led you through the entire journey!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. That sage was powerful.

However, the spoiler is I had "Jesus Christ" on my side.

In this actual live scenario, "Jesus Christ" brought me back to life to win.

What I am talking about in secret code is "save often"!

When you die, you come back to life by loading your last saved!!!!!

Second Tip: Map The Dungeons

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:01 am
by tienkhoanguyen
The dungeons are so dark you cannot see. So just grope along the walls and map each step!

Final Clue?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:55 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Well, it has been over 30+ years since I played this game.

So my memory could be very vague.

However, since this is the "spoiler" to the game: ZZGO

ZZGO if I remember correctly is the teleportation spell.

It should take you direct to the main boss!

Make sure you save your parties before activating this spell.

You have to fight the big guy in order to win the entire game!!!!!!!!!!!!

May Jesus Christ give you all you ever wanted out of life all the time#!!