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Celebrate: Heroes, a Tron Lightcycles or Nibbles done great!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:50 pm
by Quadko
(Not sure where to put this, not really a review, so just in "games!")

I just tried Heroes (HOTU link) for the first time. Wow - I've played many Tron Lightcycles games, but this is an exciting and new version to me! They mention Nibbles, but I've not played that one - but I've played many Lightcycle clones from Novatron to the original Arcade and many versions beyond. (Though I'm still looking for a Tron:Legacy lightcycle PC game with curvy paths...)

Heroes has complex maps, with over/under levels, multiple computer players, automatic "don't crash" turns if possible, powerups and interesting map terrains, with cool VGA graphics, multiple lives, and sweet screen effects when others zap you or something.

Some (less than perfect - imprecative prtscrn on laptop!) screenshots

Lots of fun, very nice, and this game is very much the reason I'm going through older games to try stuff I've never seen before to find fun that I missed. It's definitely worth a few minutes to try it out! This is the DOS version; there is a windows version I haven't tried on sourceforge at

I'm running in Dosbox .74 (latest), and have to choose option #1 "help" on the menu to play the game, the "play" option ("any key to go on") crashed to dos with a Page Fault error. While starting the game, it announces an "Eclipse Operating System" (E.O.S) that it's running on, very intriguing, not sure what that's about other than their own processing.

Re: Celebrate: Heroes, a Tron Lightcycles or Nibbles done gr

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:50 am
by dosraider
Haha, Nibbles&Tron clones, always was fun.
'Was' because I seem to getting really old, and games that depend of my reflexes aren't going that swell anymore for me :(

[Nitpicking mode on]
Quadko wrote:Some (less than perfect - imprecative prtscrn on laptop!) screenshots....
BTW: ctrl+F5 ?
Also , see your cycles are on 'max', means that all free CPU tics are used by dosbox, also means that when one of the many windows/progs you have opened on the background asks for some CPU time dosbox has to retrograde, and yes also for prtscr, than dosbox can accelerate again till the next CPU call from one of those progs, retrograde again, accelerate ...... makes dosbox a bit crazy ...
Things that can improve your dosbox experience:
-> Close progs you don't need.
-> use ctrl+F5 (if possible on your laptop, bloody proprietary keyb drivers!!!!
-> set 'cycles' to a fixed count, not % this also avoid the continue CPU cycling .....
-> get a screenie prog with lesser footprint, , can be set to only take 'foreground window' or 'foreground window client area' etcetera ....
-> some more thingies etcetera etcetera ....
[Nitpicking mode off]
Ah well, see for yourself, aslong as you're happy ....

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:51 am
by Quadko
Yeah, I haven't tuned DosBox. And I didn't realize I had forgotten to alt+prtscrn to get the active window until I had the files uploaded; then I was too lazy to fix it. :)

Youtube of gameplay someone put up, showing the great screen animation effects:

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:48 am
by dosraider
Yeah, never enough time , isn't it ...????

Game looks really good :laugh: