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Iron Assault [XP]

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:34 pm
by Videopacker
So I have found my copy of iron assault.
I would like to see if I can run it on XP.
I installed it on the C drive.
I went to command prompt, which I'm aware isn't real dos.
I tried to enter the code the game suggested.

C: (enter) - Didn't accept it.
CD/IRON (enter) - didn't accept it, though I was kinda clutching at loose straws here
Iron (enter) - didnt accept it - i thought it might work :S

Now I'm stuck. I hate using you all for info, but I just wanna play Iron assault.


Re: Iron Assault [XP]

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:28 pm
by dosraider
Videopacker wrote:...but I just wanna play Iron assault
Gonna need some effort from your side to 'just play Iron Assault'.... :laugh:
Is a dosgame, forget running it directly in XP or XP command window, you'll need dosbox.

Your first steps:
Yes, you gonna need that.
Next install the game whithin dowbox and run it in dosbox.

Edited your topic tittle to something more understandable ......

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:37 pm
by Videopacker
Thank you. apologies for the delay.

I've got Dosbox. Mounted the C drive.

When I type install the menu comes up for language selection, but when you select it an error occurs.

"Cannot open install.inf."

Can that be worked around?


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:03 pm
by dosraider
Your C mount line ....???? Detailed please.

Also: Iron Assault is a CD game, you also need to mount your CD as D drive in dosbox and install game from D on C within dosbox.
mount d x:\ -t cdrom
Replace X:\ by real CD drive letter in dosbox.

After you mounted C and D go to D: and input install

Install game and you're all done, simply accept everything proposed (need to check that, been a while I installed game, but I don't remember any problems there ... )
Also: best create a CD image (ISO) from your CD and use imgmount to mount it s D drive, will run better than the real CD.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:11 pm
by Videopacker
Ok. I will have a proper attempt tomorrow.
Initially that seems complicated. :laugh:


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:36 pm
by dosraider
Checked install procedure, it's really simple and straight forward.

First of all, install dosbox properly in XP, read and apply

Next , as said, mount CD or CD image(better) as D and install from D on C.
(mount( lines are mine of course, eventually adapt to your drives/image)

Accept all

Next setup sound card properly for dosbox
Correct settings are:
Adress 220
and NOT 5 as proposed, alter to 7

alter mouse/keyb/joystick at your wishes .....

All done, run game from C:\iron with iron

Next time you wanna play:
C and D must be mounted
cd iron

That's it.
Should you encounter problems: please give all your mount lines detailed and your inputs/choices.

Should you need a soft to create dosbox compat CD images:
Freeware and really good.

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:03 am
by Airiz
Hi. I successfully got this game to work but stuck with another problem. The game just doesn't save my progress. Any time i exit game, all profiles reset, with no progress on them. I removed "read-only" status from all files and folders, but with no effect. Any ideas how to solve this?