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Need help remembering a game title. (Rpg/space/text)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:30 pm
by Frank Horrigan
Been searching for this game for YEARS. at least since '07. It was a rpg game in 16 bit color. Made between sometime between 92-98 (Remember playing it on a win93 or 95 system). Started out you were woken up in your apartment either people or the cops were coming for you. Part of the game dynamic was looking at items and getting descriptions of them via text in the bottom middle of the screen. In the first level(the apartment) I remember that if you didn't make an choice in a certain amount of time they would bust the door and it would say you were killed. It was first person as well and not real time. Think a text based game but with visual sorta like myst but no animation if that makes any sense.

Also other parts of the story line I remember was that you ended up going out the window and were on the run the entire time. You went on a train or mono rail to get to the space station(where you worked) after going through the facility I remember the game ended by you leaving on a space shit. Had conspiracy over tones if I remember correctly.

I've search through so many screen shots to try to find this game and if anyone can help I would be so happy. Thanks