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Game Wanted: Dark Sewer-Like Game

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:20 pm
by artcloud

I used the web to track some games down I played in the old days, but I stumbled upon one I couldn't find. The game I'm looking for was DOS based, I remember playing it on an old PC running DOS or Win 95.

Here are some details I remember:

-The game was in a sewer-like environment, grey was the most abundant colour
-The charachters you'd play wore either a white or black T-Shirt in the game
-The objective was to turn a switch (not completely sure about this one)
-The characters had no weapons
-The music in the game was very mechanical like
-One specific detail I remember quite clear is a look-a-like metallic frame attached to the ceiling wich waved back and forth all the time and could knock you away. It looked hydraulic and it consisted out of tubes, something like the image below but then attached to the ceiling etc.


That's all I got! Hope you guys can help me out!
Thanks in advance. :)
