looking for a dos space missile war game

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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looking for a dos space missile war game

Post by thomasez »

i played the game in the 90s, and pity i cant remember many details.
the game was about space war. it should be turn based, or looked like strategy.
the main screen of the game was a map of stellar system. i could choose different planet in the system and gave orders. when a planet was chosen, it showed the picture of that planet's terrain. where i could build various building on it. it was 45 degree sight. there were at least missile silos and intercept turrents to build.
there were merchants wandering between systems, and i could trade resources with them. this happened like events: i mean they showed up in a dialog window. there was no spaceship.
the major work of the game was firing missiles to enemy planets in different systems. i could build missiles with different warheads, and choose which kind to shoot, and choose where and how many to launch. one kind of the warheads would explode to generate small tornadoes. and incoming missiles could be shoot and destroyed by turrents i built. turrents auto-fired.
i can remember no more than the scene when i pressed the launch button and missiles coming out of silos one after one.
i would be grateful if someone would tell me the name of the game.

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