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Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:56 pm
by KAN
Quantum of Solace. A really good movie. The problem is: it doesn't really need to be a James Bond movie.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:15 am
by cyb3r.god3

AAAHHHH Bowie :love: :D

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:31 pm
by Eminutia
HAHA Burn After Reading LOL!

Brad: Osborn Cox?
John: And you I take it are "Mr. Black"?
Brad: Yes I am. You have the money?
John: Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Brad: Thats what was agreed upon, Osborn Cox!
John: Alright, let me explain something to you, Mr. Black. You know who I am I know who you are.
Brad: Perhaps. But appearances can be deceptive!
John: Well, what you're engaged in is blackmail, that is a felony, that's for starters.
Brad: Appearances can be deceptive. I am a mere good samaritan who..
John: Secondly, the unauthorized dissemination of classified material is a federal crime. If you ever carried out your proposed threat, you would experience such a sh|tstorm of consequences my friend, that your empty little head would be spinning faster than wheels of your schwinn bicycle back there.
Brad: You think that's a schwinn, heheh
John: NOW! Give me the f*cking floppy or the cd or whatever the f*ck it is...

[URL=http://]link snipped[/URL]

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:03 pm
by dosraider
Not thàt bad, but have seen much better in the genre, the last ten minutes screwed up the movie, they could have done without the 5 minutes 'FPS' game like sequence.

Oh btw, the BigFuckingGun is officially a BioForceGun v3.14, yeah, whatever.

In fact the whole movie would have been better if they didn't tried to imitate the game.

Doom diehard fans only movie, and those Doom fans will be disappointed.
Those Doom diehard fans will not like it neither.
And if you're never played Doom you'll wondering what this movie is about.

Forget the movie, sux.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:41 pm
by Santhosh CHRiS
dosraider wrote:Doom
Not thàt bad, but have seen much better in the genre, the last ten minutes screwed up the movie, they could have done without the 5 minutes 'FPS' game like sequence.

Oh btw, the BigFuckingGun is officially a BioForceGun v3.14, yeah, whatever.

In fact the whole movie would have been better if they didn't tried to imitate the game.

Doom diehard fans only movie, and those Doom fans will be disappointed.
Those Doom diehard fans will not like it neither.
And if you're never played Doom you'll wondering what this movie is about.

Forget the movie, sux.
Video Game based movies seldom do well. Doom didn't do well because it imitated the game too much and The Super Mario Bros. movie didn't do well because they went far away from the game as possible. There's a fine line between keeping the movie as close to the game as possible at the same time give some realistic movie elements to it so it doesn't become too cheesy :(

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:31 am
by wardrich
Just saw Wall E The other day. I personally thought it was amazing.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:08 am
by cyb3r.god3

i forgot how funny this movie actually is

"there's no time for lubricant"

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:45 am
by dosraider
Highlander: The Source
AKA Highlander 5
AKA as complete shit.

And it is, complete shit.
Good thing my DVD player has a 6x speed button.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:22 am
by lakerzz8
Twelve Angry Men

The Defiant Ones

Both movies from the 50s

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:42 pm
by dosraider
An oldie, Predator with of course the Ahnold.
Special effects really dated nowadays, but still a good movie.

BTW, maybe I should warn you peeps, my youngest bro -(now yeah, youngest here means 43 :P )- has bought a big box filled with all kind of old and 'not so old' DVDs, so I think I'm gonna grab in it weekly to fill those long cold dark winter evenings.
You're warned.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:03 pm
by CPT Worm
The Dark Knight. One of the best movies of our generation.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:34 pm
by Santhosh CHRiS
Santa Worm wrote:The Dark Knight. One of the best movies of our generation.
Definitely! I heard it's going to be re-released again too. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:34 pm
by dosraider
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:....
As in cinematographer
Or maybe we should send him in space?

Hmmm, send him in space I would say.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:54 am
by dosraider
The Mist
Based on a story by Stephen King.
Wasn't bad after all, much better then I expected.
Moral of the story:
-> Military scientist can't be trusted, if they can screw things up they will.
-> Don't open doors to other worlds, maybe you won't like what's coming across, what's coming across also won't like you, and you'd better be sure you can close the door again.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:37 am
by Santhosh CHRiS
dosraider wrote:
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:....
As in cinematographer
Or maybe we should send him in space?

Hmmm, send him in space I would say.
Ahem... yes the official name change well... My full name is Santhosh Stephen Christudas. I called myself Steve Chris to keep it simple. I tried Stephen Chris but everyone confuses it with Stephanie or something :P

But now I realize Steve is just waaaay too um... common :rolleyes:

So I have resorted to my first name which is Santhosh and since CHRiS is my new signiture I use, decided to add it as well and thanks to Mr.Worm it has been done!

For now this is just the unofficial name change. The official DGF name changing ceremony will be taking place at Sir dosraider's home to which ofcourse ALL of you are undoubtedly invited :D

In other news more related to THIS thread. I recently saw "The Last King of Scotland", "The hand that rocks the something..." and "The Producers" I will not provide the IMDB links to these movies because you are all too lazy already and my HTML is the shit these days lol :laugh:

Oh and btw way my name's Santhosh not Santosh. I am quite impressed you DO know Santosh Sivan though. Your cinema knowledge exceeds everyone here :)

But send me into space... wtf?? At THIS time of year? You're MAD I tell ya MAAAAAD!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:12 pm
by lakerzz8
Some Like It Hot - one of the best comedies of ALL TIME

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:17 pm
by dosraider
Next with Nicolas Cage.
I didn't expected much of this one, but was agreeably surprised, wasn't bad after all.
A surprising twist at the end, made it pretty good.
Won't tell you what it was, would spoil the whole movie.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:57 am
by dosraider
Northpole (or almost), little town, winter, sun goes down for 30 days ....
30 Days of Night

30 days without sun, and a whole bunch of vampires invading the town.
Not bad at all.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:11 am
by cyb3r.god3
Mel Brooks: The History of the World Part 1
Its good to be the king

Just more of Mel Brooks' genius. My favourite was the caveman segment and the spanish inquisition number. i noticed he used the Jews in Space melody for Men in Tights

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:50 am
by dosraider
9 Rota
AKA 9th Company.
The Russian 9th Company visits Afghanistan in the 1980's.
Good movie, Wormpy should watch it.