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Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:00 am
"The audio driver files do not support your hardware."


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:42 am
by AdamN
then try this one then Device Driver

AD1986 Driver (Soundmax)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:52 am
by dosraider
Hmpf, it claims to be a Vista driver, but once again it's an upgraded XP driver .....
*Crosses fingers.*

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:46 am
"The audio driver files do not support your hardware."

...Should i just go get a new one?


Edit: It's making sounds from the computer now... :shifty: BEEP!
What do they call those sounds? I know they have a name...
The actual computer sound ones? Hmm...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:38 am
by dosraider
GAMER wrote:Edit: It's making sounds from the computer now... :shifty: BEEP!
What do they call those sounds? I know they have a name...
The actual computer sound ones? Hmm...
BEEP! :laugh:

Ahem, serious now:
If those sounds are made at booting they're called BIOS error beeps.
That's what they mean:
What kind of BIOS you have is listed when your system boots.

If the beeps occur after boot and the PC is already in windows you're probably kneedeep in the shit.

A thought:
Maybe, *maybe*, it wouldn't be a bad idea to look for a Vista compatible PCI PnP soundcard and disable the onboard soundchip in your BIOS.
It would cost you some extra $$ but at least you would get a fully performant soundcard.
It all depends how much importance good sound has for you ....

You always could try first a reinstall from scratch and use the sounddriver AdamN pointed to, seems to be one of the 'best' -(ahem)- Vista ones around.
Burn them on a CD first, when Vista wants to install sound devices point it towards the CD.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:18 pm
dosraider wrote: If the beeps occur after boot and the PC is already in windows you're probably kneedeep in the shit.

They aren't doing it anymore, but it was while PC was running in windows.
For example, when there'd be a normal windows error sound like if you try to click somwhere else when a error window thing is up...
But it was making them from the actual computer.

Hmm. Take computer to computer people and tell them to fix it?


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:03 am
by wardrich
Gamer, that sounds a lot like a driver error. My computer does that when it can't detect my sound card.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:25 am
by dosraider
GAMER wrote:They aren't doing it anymore, but it was while PC was running in windows.
If it's stopped no panic. The compy tried to tell you something.
What? Probably what Wardrich says.

BTW, if you're up to it try:
First: when compy boots, hit DEL, go in your BIOS settings and look if your onboard sound is enabled.
Then in Windows:
In your control panel -> device manager -> hardware, add new, let Vista do a search, you never know ......

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:07 am
by wardrich
Good call on the BIOS setting, I forgot about that option.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:30 am
Okays. :D

I will try that next time i turn the computer on.

Thanks for all the help, btw.
Much appreciated.


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:36 am
by Larry Laffer
GAMER wrote:
dosraider wrote: If the beeps occur after boot and the PC is already in windows you're probably kneedeep in the shit.

They aren't doing it anymore, but it was while PC was running in windows.
For example, when there'd be a normal windows error sound like if you try to click somwhere else when a error window thing is up...
But it was making them from the actual computer.

Hmm. Take computer to computer people and tell them to fix it?


Isn't windows supposed to change to the built-in speaker for error beeps in case there's no other sound support(detected)? :rolleyes:

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:49 am
by dosraider
Larry Laffer wrote:Isn't windows supposed to change to the built-in speaker for error beeps in case there's no other sound support(detected)? :rolleyes:
Depends if system sounds are enabled or not ...... It's not redirected by default.

I don't think they are enabled by default ...

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:17 am
So...I got sick of not having sound.
I took mister computer to the people who do things to computers.
They "fixed" it...
I asked them what they did and they said they just got the drivers from the acer website...
I thought, 'hmmm. pretty sure i tried that.' but happily accepted their words because after all, they are the people that do things to computers.
So i took mister computer home and lo and behold, sound does not work.
Upon logging into windows i am told, "Audio config. has been changed. You need to re-install SoundMAX."
How do i do that?


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:41 am
by dosraider
First thing to try:
Device manager ->hardware ->sounddevice ->drivers ->update drivers(or reinstall, something) -> let Vista do a search for itself, with a bit of luck it will find the appropiate drivers, and if not .... pfffffffffff, start over from square one.
Be sure to have:
Internet conn and the Vista dvd in the drive.

But if you really have a soundmax (*IF*) I fear you're in kinda shit, it seems they really don't want to write appropiate Vista drivers for that older model.

Maybe the simpliest and probably best solution will be to disable the soundchip in the BIOS and plug in a Vista compatible soundcard ....

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:32 am
by cyb3r.god3
on the topic of sound, anyone know why my sound card would distort all sound that comes through (it aint the speakers) and would there be a way to fix it

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:42 am
This is GAMER's questions about everything that crosses her mind...

Okay. I'll try all that junk.
Then when it doesn't work i'll take puter back to the people and tell them.


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:12 am
by cyb3r.god3
GAMER wrote:*ahem*
This is GAMER's questions about everything that crosses her mind...
sorry, but its starting to piss me off, its like listening to a radio with a bad signal

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:24 am
by AdamN
cyb3r.god3 wrote:
GAMER wrote: *ahem*
This is GAMER's questions about everything that crosses her mind...
sorry, but its starting to piss me off, its like listening to a radio with a bad signal
I usually get that with AM radio, never had problems with FM except when I'm travelling to Sydney and want Nova or Triple M.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:28 am
GAMER has another question.
I open my internet explorer browser... because i haven't bothered downloading mozilla yet, so if that is your suggestion, yes, i will do that soon...
and it comes up with the ninemsn homepage, because that is what is the default.
i then type in "google" and an error message comes up that says, "google is unavailable".
don't get me wrong, it's not a PAGE that says, "cannot be shown bla bla check your internets connection" it is an error message... like in a little box that is headed "INTERNET EXPLORER" and says "google is unavailable".
When i then go to close the window another comes up and says, "This window is busy, closing it... something something..." but not the standard, "program is not responding" bullshit.
I have this window, and another window open and it isn't happening with those windows...
Only new windows that i open.
So, yes. What the?


Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:30 am
And now it's fine...?