+ doom2 gamepad

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+ doom2 gamepad

Post by razorhead »

can you please tell me how to get my gamepad to work in doom2
my op system is xp
my controller I have just brought is from pcworld called
PC LINE tournament pro
I think if I could get it to run in dos I might get it to work
how do you get into dos in xp?
any help would be most grateful
:blah: :blah:
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John The Ax
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Post by John The Ax »

If it's USB, then I don't think that there's any way it could work. DOS can't detect USB, only serial. If it's serial port, then it should be a snap, though I wouldn't know what to do unless I were to twink around with it myself.
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Post by procerus »

Make sure the controller is installed and properly working under DirectX (Control Panel, Gaming Options or whatever).

Then download and install the freeware game engine Doom95. Do a google search for it. It's a legitimate freeware add-on.

Then run Doom95 and configure your controller. Point the loader to the doom2.wad you have in your Doom2 folder and run the game.

<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.litepc.com/index.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.procerus.btinternet.co.uk/98 ... A></CENTER>
<CENTER>with <FONT COLOR=FF0000><B>629K</B></FONT> of free conventional memory in full DOS mode using QEMM 9.0<BR>(or 628K with <A HREF="http://www.uwe-sieber.de/umbpci_e.html">UMBPCI.SYS</A> providing real mode for <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/axcel216/speed.htm">FastVid</A>) with SmartDrive, CD-ROM,
<A HREF="http://cutemouse.sourceforge.net/">CuteMouse</A>, sound support and <A HREF="http://home.student.utwente.nl/r.muller ... Refresh</A> all loaded high.</CENTER>
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