Does anyone know what game this is?

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Does anyone know what game this is?

Post by Zeraticum »

Im looking for a quite old game for PC, the game has a castlevania style layout, and I played it as a little kid like 10 years ago or something..

You start the game as a dude hanging from a parachute in a tree in a jungle, when you get down there is a chest or box with something in it, and later you encounter a scene where there is a large dinosaur eating from a corpse, next to the dinosaur is a tree with a snake or something that grabs you when you get too close and pulls you down in a hole, there is also a platform hanging in ropes on the left side, the dinosaur is on the right.

I never got much further than that so I dont know much about the game, but I would really, really like to know its name and finaly finish it :)

I dont know what happened to the game, but it was lost in one way or another, and I have had no luck in finding it..

You dont realise how happy i would get if anyone of you knew this games name, so I'm just gonna cross my fingers and hope that you know.. Thanks
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Post by Wally »

Again it sounds familiar but I cant remember a name.

Was the guy pixelated in any way?
Did this game have sound?
Can you remember any details of the title (Such as first letters etc)?
Remember anything about the publisher?

Post by Zeraticum »

The game had sound, but I cant remember anything from the title or the publisher, I wish I knew what pixelated means but I dont..


Post by Zeraticum »

seems like no one knows.. aaw well.. :shame:
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Post by Moo »

I've found a couple games that include jungles and possibly dinosaurs:
Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom
Amazon - Guardians of Eden
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Monkey Island 2

Hope this helps
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Post by GAMER »

Hmm...sounds like a great game. Yeah, Hugo 3 sprung to my mind...but i'm almost completly sure that it's not it. Good game though.

<img src=" ... rs_Sig.jpg">

i have a chik magnet...observe!

<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR="slide"><font color="crimson">
[MAGNET]-------------------- :cuccoan: </marquee>

Post by mixand1 »

I was looking for it as well, i know it is an old post but thought it could help others.

It's called Bermuda syndrome
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Post by MrFlibble »

I think you're right. There's a playable demo of the game BTW.
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