Windows Point and Click Hidden Object 2D With Ghosts

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Windows Point and Click Hidden Object 2D With Ghosts

Post by DemonaDanger »

I played it on my Mom's old Windows computer, so there's not much telling how old the game is, though, at most, it's probably from 2010 or so. (Most likely younger. I can't remember dates well)
It was a 2D puzzle game where you were visiting your Uncle's (Or grandfather's, perhaps. I'll call him Uncle, for now.) mansion, and he was a ghost hunter or something, and the ghosts got loose, so you were going around the mansion finding objects to help you open something or do something. (Ex. Unlocking a door, fixing the bathtub, putting a plate back together...) You were also trying to find these missing pieces of your Uncle's machine that was supposed to capture the ghosts again, I think. Which was the main reason for you snooping around the mansion, if I recall correctly. Occasionally you would enter a room that would have a ghost in it that you would have to help or something with some of the objects you found, either by placing something in it's correct place, or by fixing something and such.
I'm not positive if we were ever shown the main character, but I am almost 100% certain the main character was a man.
Also, you would navigate through the mansion by clicking something (I can't remember what) that would open up a map-like page where you could click on a part of the mansion that would bring you to that room, if it was unlocked.
I remember playing through it multiple times, and, considering my age and lack of attention-span at the time, I'm fairly certain it was a fairly short game.
Oh, and just to clarify, I think there was only one ending to the game. I just really liked that game back then.
Anyways, I hope one of you recognizes the game, and thank you for reading my rambling!


Looking back, I think I remember seeing the main character in the title screen of the game. If I'm remembering correctly, he had red hair, was kinda scrawny (small build), and looked somewhat scared. Not on the level of fear like Luigi from Luigi's Mansion is on, just kinda freaked out and on guard.
Anyhoo, hope this addition might help. Have a nice day/night!
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