re: a problem with Bio Menace crashing

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re: a problem with Bio Menace crashing

Post by reble »

I just put a new 500gig hard drive into this HP Presario C700 laptop OS win7 home 32bit. I did my normal thing of reinstalling everything new. Everything went fine on the install. I installed all my MSDOS games from the backup cd. I Did the normal routine of making the ado.adeps file with Abiathar so I could add a few things to the levels like I have done before. This time when I finished playing episode 1 level 1. Instead of moving on to level 2 the game crashed out to the DOS Prompt with the message of "RF new map: map to tall!". Without the ado.adeps file and the changes I made the game works fine. I must have messed up somewhere in the changes I made. But I don't know were. I have made this same changes before without any problems. By the way I do use DOSBox for all my MSDOS games.

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Re: re: a problem with Bio Menace crashing

Post by MrFlibble »

reble wrote:Instead of moving on to level 2 the game crashed out to the DOS Prompt with the message of "RF new map: map to tall!"
I vaguely remember the same error message mentioned in relation to editing other Apogee games' levels, but Googling only yielded this discussion so far:

There's an Apogee game moding tool called Camoto (I believed to remember the "map too tall" error in relation to it), but apparently it does not support Bio Menace (yet).

Some further searching game this Wiki entry on Commander Keen: ... n_with_TED

It says:
Q: Keen gives me an error: "Map too tall!"

A: Most likely your level is too large. You should use the Change Map Edges option to make it smaller.
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