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2000s WW2 shooter game for PC

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:12 pm
by SentinelC1337
I played this back when I got my first PC around 2007-8ish.
Possibly a game from the noughties (not very likely that it was before 2000 imo)
It was a WW2 shooter, something like Medal of Honor (99.9% sure it wasn't MOH), 3D graphics, first person shooter, I can't remember if there was any coherent plot, however I can remember a couple of missions. It was about shooting Nazis ofc :P and some of the missions involved a truck chase, blowing up a bridge just before a train arrived, and if I remember correctly the final mission involved planting a bomb to a V2 rocket and then blowing it up (there was a cutscene of the rocket blowing up). Graphics were just like any other shooting game from that period. I think I can remember some of the weapons including the standard MP40 and Kar98k, Sten Gun etc.
One thing that stuck with me is the desktop icon. It was one of two thing: either a shield or some shape with a line in the middle or a soldier's head covered with something.
I wish I could be more descriptive but I can't remember much (I was 6 or 7 years old mind you).
Any info would be helpful :D

2000s WW2 shooter game for PC

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:26 am
by gamerboi
do u think it can be cod 1
like the earliest version of it